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The Holy Month of Rajab


تجویز کردہ جواب




Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith

Hadith 6.184 Narrated by Abu Bakr (ra)


The Prophet (saw) said, "Time has come back to its original state which it had when Allah created the Heavens and the Earth; the year is twelve months, four of which are sacred. Three of them are in succession; Dhul-Qa'da, Dhul-Hijja and Al-Muharram, and (the fourth being) Rajab Mudar (named after the tribe of Mudar as they used to respect this month) which stands between Jumad (ath-thani) and Sha'ban."




Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith

Hadith 4.419 Narrated by Abu Bakra (ra)


The Prophet (saw) said. "(The division of time has turned to its original form which was current when Allah created the Heavens and the Earths. The year is of twelve months, out of which four months are sacred: Three are in succession Dhul-Qa'da, Dhul-Hijja and Muharram, and (the fourth is) Rajab of (the tribe of) Mudar which comes between Jumadi-ath-Thaniyah and Sha ban."




'Allahumma baa-rik-lanaa fee-rajaba wa sha'baana wa bal-lig-naa shah-ra ramadhaana.'


'O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Shabaan blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadhan.'


Rajab Allah's month The Holy Month of Rajab Starts 7th/ 8th August 2005


Brief Ibaadah - Schedule dates that need to be observed for max barakah

note: Read 30 rakah on 1st 15th and 30th of Rajab pray 10 rakat nafil namaz in 2 rakat salam. In each rakat after Alhamdo pray Surah Kaferoon 3 times and Surah Ikhlas (kulhuwalla) 3 times each has its dua


1- Fast -1st day of Rajab have Ghusl- bath for cleansing all sins - pray 10 rakat nafil namaz in 2 rakat salam. In each rakat after Alhamdo pray Surah Kaferoon 3 times and Surah Ikhlas (kulhuwalla) 3 times. After completing the namaz -


Dua for 1st Rajab: "La Ilaha illallaho wahdahu la sharika lahu lahul-mulko walahul-hamdo yoh-yi wa yo mito wahuwa hay-yil-la yamuto biyaaadie-hil -khair wahuwa ala kulle shai-een kadir, Allahumma la man-a. le maa aat-taa, wa la mua-tiya, le maa man-aata, wa layunfeo zuljadde min-kal jaddo.


2- Fast 1st Friday night (Thursday night in Islam) Night of wishes laylat al-ragha'ib -

In the evening between Maghrib and `Isha, perform 12 units (Rak'at) of prayer, in two's (i.e. two at a time). In each unit recite: 3 times Sura-al-Qadr & then 12 times (Qul huwallahu) followed with dua - read below full details


3-Fast -15th day of Rajab Ghusl- bath -for cleansing all sins- pray 10 rakah like 1st and with Dua : "Illahan-wahedan, ahadan samadan wa faradaow wa witran lam yattakhiz sahebataow wa la waladan."


4- Fast -27th Mi'raj Night much ibdaah to do - to be added


5- Fast -30th day of Rajab Ghusl- bath -for cleansing all sins - Pray 10 rakah like 1st day t with Dua - ast day of Rajab: "Allahumma sallai ala Sayidina Mohammadiuw wa all hittaherin, wa la hawla kuwwata ilia billa-hil Aliyil Azim. "


After reciting the above 30 rakah, pray for whatever your requirements. Insha-Allah these will be answered, and on the day of resurrection, there will be 70 trenches between you and Hell and each of these trenches will be so wide it would take 500 years to cross one. In addition each rakat has the reward of 1000 rakats.


Everyday read 'Allahumma baa-rik-lanaa fee-rajaba wa sha'baana wa bal-lig-naa shah-ra ramadhaana.' see top for arabic 'O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Shabaan blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadhan.'


Dua of Wali Abbas will be added read 3 times a day Arabic prescribed by Shaykh Nazim Ali Haqqani to read


Dua of Wali Abbas will be added read 3 times a day English and translieration prescribed by Shaykh Nazim Ali Haqqani


Reference to Fasting in Rajab -If someone has fasted for three days during the sacred months, on a Thursday, a Friday and a Saturday, Allah will credit him with the worshipful service [ibadah] of 900 years!


Fasting in Rajab ones drinks from a River of Paradise called Rajab Only for those who observed fasting in Rajab also a palace for Only those whose frequntly fasted in Rajab.


Grave punishment will be stopped if one fasts only day of Rajab


In order to enter Ramadhaan in the best possible manner, one has to prepare himself in the months of Rajab and Shabaan. It has been said that Rajab is the month to sow seeds (good actions), Shabaan is the month in which we should water those seeds (with tears of sorrow) and Ramadhaan is the month in which we reap the harvest.




Excerpt from Seal of the Saints by Shaykh Muhayyidun Ibn Arabi Chapter 7 The Highest Degree of Walaya


….The next category, the name and nature of which are somewhat surprising, is the category of the rajabiyyun or 'men of Rajab', who number forty. They are so named because 'the spiritual state ( hal ) which corresponds to their station (maqam) is manifest in them only in Rajab, from the moment of the appearance of the end of the lunar month.


They then lose this state until the month of Rajab the following year….In some of them there survives throughout the year something of what they perceived (through intuitive unveiling) in the month of Rajab, while in others nothing of it survives at all. Shaykh 'Ibn Arabi tells of the visit he paid one of them at Dunaysir in Mesopotamia. This person, who is in the Durra fakhira as al-Khatari, had the singualr gift……


Excerpts from Al-Ghunya li-Talibi Tariq al-Haqq Vol.3 by Master of Sufis Shaykh 'Abdul Qadir Jilani


The First Day and Night of the First Friday of Rajab


As for the night of the first Friday of the month of Rajab or its first night, both known as the "Night of wishes" (laylat al-ragha'ib) during which is performed the salat al-ragha'ib.


(please note: Thursday Night in Islam is actually Friday,we start from Maghrib & finish at maghrib the following night so- the whole of Friday thus starts is -Thursday night to Friday night, the day is Asr to Asr there is no concept in Islam that the day starts at 12.00am this is a western non-muslim belief or understanding. Fajr then is our 3rd prayer beginning of the day. The text is translated into english without footnotes. Which can be found in the book version, also Sunday is our First day in Islam not Monday - Wusta footnote found at bottom)




How To Perform The Prayer Fast on the first Thursday of Rajab.


........" It is most important, however, that none of you should neglect the First Friday in Rajab, for it is the night that the angels call the Night of [the Granting of] Wishes [Lailat ar-Ragha'ib]. This is because, by the time the first third of the night has elapsed, there will not be a single angel still at large in the heavens, nor in any region of the earth bar one. They will all be gathered together in the Ka'ba and the area immediately surrounding it. Allah (Exalted is He) will condescend to notice that they have assembled there, and He will say: "My angels, ask Me for whatever you wish!" Their response to this will be: "Our Lord, the request we wish to make is that You grant forgiveness to those who faithfully keep the fast in Rajab," whereupon Allah (Exalted is He) will tell them: "That I have already done!"


Then Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:


" No one will go unrewarded if he fasts during the daytime on Thursday, the first Thursday in Rajab.


In the evening between Maghrib and `Isha, perform 12 units (Rak'at) of prayer, in two's (i.e. two at a time). In each unit recite: Once Sura-al-Fateha; three times Sura-al-Qadr; and 12 times Sura-al-Tawhid (Qul huwallahu).


After the 12 units (rakats) are over, recite 70 times:


Salawat (while sitting) : "Allahumma Salli `Ala Muhammad, Annabiyyil Ummiyyi, Wa `Ala Aalihi"


Tasbih (in Sajdah): "Subbuhun Quddusun, Rabbul Mala`ikati Warruh"


All-Glorious, All-Holy,n Lord of the Angels and of the Spirit!


Istighfar (while sitting): "Rabbigh-Fir, War-ham, Watajawaz `Amma Ta'alamu, Innaka antal `aliyyul A`a-zam"


My Lord, forgive and have mercy m pardon that which You well know, for You are the Mighty, the Supreme


Tasbih (again in Sajdah): "Subbuhun Quddusun, Rabbul Mala'ikati Warruh"


All-Glorious, All-Holy,n Lord of the Angels and of the Spirit!


Then seek your needs, they will be granted, Inshallah.


Reward for praying 12 rakah on first night


Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) also said:


" By Him in whose Hand is my soul [wa 'lladhi nafsi bi-yadih], I assure you that no servant [of His], whether manservant ['abd] or maidservant [ama], will ever perform this particular salat-prayer without Allah forgiving all the sins of which that individual has ever been guilty, even if they are like the flecks of foam upon the ocean, as numerous as all the grains of sand, as heavy as the mountains, and as many as the drops of rain and the leaves on all the trees. On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyama], he will be allowed to intercede on behalf of seven hundred members of his family."


On the first night that worshipful servant spends in his grave, the reward for this salat-prayer will come to visit him [in the shape of a human being], with a cheerful face and an eloquent tongue. "O my dear friend," it will say to him, "rejoice in the good tidings, for I am here to tell you that you have been delivered from every severe affliction!" This will prompt the servant to exclaim: "Who are you? By Allah, I swear that I have never seen a man with a better-looking face than yours. Never have I heard a form of speech more charming than your way of speaking, and never have I smelled a fragrance more delightful than that of your perfume." So then it will tell him: "O my dear friend, I am the reward for that salat-prayer, the one you performed on whichever night it was, in whichever month it was, in whichever year it was. I have come here tonight in order to fulfill your request, to entertain you in your solitary state, and to banish your loneliness from you. Later on, when the trumpet is sounded, I shall provide you with shade to protect your head from the scorching heat on the Fields of the Resurrection ['Arasat al-Qiyama]. So rejoice in the good tidings, for you will never be deprived of the blessing that comes from your Master [Mawla]."


30 rakah - are read in units of 2 with "Qul HuwAllahu Ahad" 3 times, and Surah that begins with "Qul Yaa-ayyu-hal-kaa-firoon" 3 times for every rakah, to read 10 on first night -10 in middle -10 at the end of the month


......Allah (Exalted is He) relents toward His Prophets [anbiya'], because in it He rescues His saints [awliya'] from the hands of their enemies, and because anyone who fasts during this month becomes entitled to receive three things from Allah (Exalted is He). The first and second of these are forgiveness for all the sins he has previously committed, and impregnable virtue ['isma] for the remainder of his life. As for the third, he will be safe from thirst on the Day of the Greatest Review [Yawm al-'Ard al-Akbar]."....


..Ibn `Abd al-Razzaq narrates in his Musannaf (4:317) that Ibn `Umar said:


There are five nights in which invocation (du`a) is not turned back: the night of Jum`a, the first night of Rajab, the night of mid-Sha`ban, and the two nights of `Eid.


The beloved Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam peace be upon him said: 'The fast of the first day of Rajab is repentance for 3 years and the fasting of the second day is repentance for 2 years and the fast of third day is repentance for 1 year and then each remaining day -of Rajab- is repentance for 1 month.'


'Whoever fasts the 1st day of Rajab it will be equivalent to the fast of 1 year; and whoever fasts 7 days in it, the 7 gates of Hell will be closed for him; and whoever fasts 10 days from Rajab, a caller will call out from the sky, "Ask and you will be given!" '


'Rajab is a tremendous month in which Allah multiplies the good deeds. So whoever fasts a day from Rajab it is as if he fasted a year; and whoever fasts seven days of it the seven gates of Hell are closed to him; and whoever fasts eight days from it the eight gates of Paradise are opened to him; and whoever fasts ten days from it will not ask Allah something except that Allah will grant it. And whoever fasts from it fifteen days a caller will call out from heavens "Verily you have been forgiven whatever is past, so renew your good actions, for indeed your transgressions have been transformed into virtuous deeds." And whoever does more, Allah gives to him even more. And in Rajab Allah carried Noah/Nuh alaihi salaam peace be upon him in the ark and he/Noah fasted and ordered all those with him to do so. And the ark sailed with them for six months until the first ten days of Muharram/first month of islamic calender.'


Fasting in Rajab and Merit of Fasting During the 27th Day of Rajab


As for the name ash-Shahru'l-Mutahhir [The Purifying Month], it is so called because it purifies [yutahhiru] the person who fasts in the course of it, ridding him of his sins and offenses.


Relevant in this context is another traditional report related to us by Shaikh Imam Hibatu'llah ibn al-Mubarak as-Saqati (may Allah bestow His mercy upon him). According to this report, Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:


The month of Rajab is a glorious month indeed. If someone has fasted for one day in Rajab, Allah (Exalted is He) will record it in his credit column as the fast of a thousand years.


If someone has fasted for two days in Rajab, Allah (Exalted is He) will record it in his credit column as the fast of two thousand years.


If someone has fasted for three days in Rajab, Allah (Exalted is He) will record it in his credit column as the fast of three thousand years.


If someone has fasted for seven days in Rajab, all the seven gates of Hell [Jahannam] wil be locked to make sure that he stays out of it.


If someone has fasted for eight days in Rajab, al the eight gates of the Garden of Paradise will be held open for him, so that he may enter by whichever gate he chooses.


If someone has fasted for fifteen days in Rajab, all his bad deeds will be replaced by good deeds, and a crier will call out from heaven above: "Allah has now forgiven you, so use the opportunity to set about good work anew!"


Traditional Reports Concerning the Sacred Month of Rajab


According to a report transmitted by 'Ikrima, on the authority of Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be well pleased with him and with his father), the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:


Rajab is Allah's month, Sha'ban is my month and Ramadan is the month of my Community.


Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) is also reported as having said:


In the Garden of Paradise there is a river called Rajab, whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. If someone has fasted for one day during the month of Rajab, Allah will let him quench his thirst by drinking from that river.


Anab ibn Malik (may Allah be well pleased with him) is reported as having said: "In the Garden of Paradise there is a palace that no one may enter, with the exception of someone who makes a frequent practice of fasting during the month of Rajab."


According to another traditional report, also transmitted on the authority of Anas [ibn Malik] (may Allah be well pleased with him), Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:


If someone has fasted for three days during the sacred months, on a Thursday, a Friday and a Saturday, Allah will credit him with the worshipful service [ibada] of nine hundred years!


The Merit of Fasting During the 27th Day of Rajab


The Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:


If someone keeps the fast on the 27th day of Rajab, he will be credited with the same reward as that which is earned by fasting for sixty months.


It was on the 27th day of Rajab, we are told, that Gabriel first came down to invest the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) with his Messengership [Risala].


According to this next report, likewise conveyed to us by Sheikh Hibatu'llah, Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:


Rajab contains a very special day and a very special night. If someone fasts during that day, and keeps vigil throughout that night, he will be entitled to a reward like the one that would be earned by a person who fasted for a hundred years, and who keeps vigil throughout all the nights in that period.


The reference must be to the 27th of Rajab, that being the day on which our Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) was first dispatched to embark upon his mission.


Sheikh Hibatu'llah (may Allah bestow His mercy upon him) has informed us on good traditional authority, Allah's Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) once said:


Rajab is one of the sacred months and its days are inscribed on the sixth gate of Heaven. So, if a man has fasted during one day of this month, and if he has kept his fast completely clean through obedient devotion [taqwa] to Allah (Almighty and Glorious is He), the heavenly gate will acquire the faculty of speech, and the day itself will also acquire the faculty of speech, and the two of them will say: "O Lord, forgive him!" But if he has failed to make his fast complete through obedient devotion to Allah (Exalted is He), they will make no such plea for him to be forgiven. They will say, or he will be told by some other voice: "Your own lower self [nafs] has betrayed you!"


Dua of Wali Abbas will be added read 3 times a day to be added..!

Dua's appropriate on the first night of Rajab part 1

Barakah of 30 rakah salat during the holy month of Rajab 2

Fasting on the first Thursday in Rajab, and prayer in first Friday night [Jumu'ah] of that month. part 3

Rajab (The 7th Month) - Benefits & Information

Rajab is the Month of God


note:- Wusta- Middle. Salatul Wusta refers to the middle prayer, which is the 'Asr prayer (the third of the five compulsory daily prayers), for those whose day begins at dawn. However, some say it refers to the Fajr prayer. This is because the Muslims follow a lunar calendar: the first day of a new lunar month is only determined when the new moon is sighted shortly after sunset. Therefore the Muslim day begins at Maghreb, and the first prayer of that new day is Maghreb, which makes the third (middle) prayer Fajr.

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نوٹ: آپ کی پوسٹ ناظم کی اجازت کے بعد نظر آئے گی۔

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