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Abdur Rehman

مدیرِ اعلیٰ
  • کل پوسٹس

  • تاریخِ رجسٹریشن

  • آخری تشریف آوری

  • جیتے ہوئے دن


Status Replies ںے Abdur Rehman کیا

  1. Hello, the language which I understand better than any other language is English. So, I'd like to seek Islamic knowledge through the english language as it's easier for me to understand :)

    1. Abdur Rehman

      Abdur Rehman

      Good but Its better if you learn Arabic , Persian and Urdu.. Try to learn Urdu at least as you would not find a lot of islamic books in english (specially authentic sunni books sadly) thus narrowing your learning circle...

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