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27 auraad-and - wazaaif for blessing/increase in sustenance


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27 auraad-and - wazaaif for blessing/increase in sustenance




1: Every day after the 5 prescribed prayers say 72 * Ya Baasitu and blow on you're hands and wipe across you face (takes about a minute to do, and there is great blessing in this)




2: Every day at a time of you're choosing say 100 * "Ya Allahu Ya Rahmaaanu Ya Raheemu" and pray for blessing/increase in sustenance(takes about a 2 minutes to do, and there is great blessing in this)




3: Every day after, Namaz-e-Fajer say 308 * "Yaa Razzaku" and pray for blessing/increase in sustenance (takes about a 3 minutes to do, and there is great blessing in this)




4: Every day read 4 rakat salate Chaasht




5: Every day after fajr Nammaz read Surah Yaseen




6: Every day after namaz-e-Maghrib read surah Waqia




7: After Namaz-e-Isha say 1414 * "Yaa Wahaabuu"(there is great blessing in this and many perple have beifited from this)




8: Every day after namaz-e-Isha read 11 * Surah Muzammil




9: Every day after the 5 prescribed prayers rwead the following dua 12 * "Allahummak finii' bihalalika an haraamika wa aghnini bifadlika amman siwak"




10- Read 1001 * "AllahusSamad"




11: Participate in Gyarhvien shareef:




12: Participate in Barhvien shareef:




13: after namaz-e-isha read 200 * ayah eh karimah "Laa'ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimiin"




14- Read 786* "bismilla hirrahmaaa nnirraneem


15: After every namaz read 10 * Surah qadr


16: Always be grateful and thankful no matter what you have




17: Wash you hand before you start eating your food abd recite "bismillahirrahmaaannirraneem" and be thankful after eating


18: Everyday recite 100 * "Laa'ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul mateen"


19- Read "Yaa Musabbibul Asbab"




20: When entering a house and nobody is at home say "Assalamo alaiqa Aiyuhannabiyuu warahmatullahi wabarkaatuhu" and the read surah iklas




21: Every day read 100 * Sura kosar




22: After Jumaa-tul-mubarak: do not talk to any one, face the qiblah and till sunrise read "Yaa Alahu Yaa Rahmaaanu Yaa Raheemu"




23-: Everyday read 100 * "bismillahirrahmaaannirraneeme Walahaula walaqouvata illabillahil aliyil azeem"




24: Everyday read 200 * surah ikhlas




25: The 2 sunnahs of Fajr read at home and the 2 farz at mosque




26- Surah Kahaf:




27- Read Surah Fatiha: 41 *












You have the correct Aqeedah




Have to be reading you're Namaz 5 times a day and have to be conscious of the rest of compulsory obligations




Have to read the wazif with correct pronunciation, (go to a qualified alim/ sheikh/pir/ teacher) read with conviction and make sure you hear what you are reading, don't read in you heart




Read durood shareef 11* before and after wazif

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جزاک اللہ۔۔ انس بھائی۔۔۔

ترجمہ فراہم کردیں تو احسانِ عظیم ہوگا۔۔۔


والسلام مع الکرام

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27 auraad-and - wazaaif for blessing/increase in sustenance




per kia in oraad k liye ijaazat zaroori nahi ha?

main ne suna ha k ijazat k bagher kuch nahi parhna chahye moa'akal hote hain

yah baat kahan tak sahi ha

guide me...

agar is question ka reply ksyaalim sahib se pooch ker dain to (ja)





1: Every day after the 5 prescribed prayers say 72 * Ya Baasitu and blow on you're hands and wipe across you face (takes about a minute to do, and there is great blessing in this)




2: Every day at a time of you're choosing say 100 * "Ya Allahu Ya Rahmaaanu Ya Raheemu" and pray for blessing/increase in sustenance(takes about a 2 minutes to do, and there is great blessing in this)




3: Every day after, Namaz-e-Fajer say 308 * "Yaa Razzaku" and pray for blessing/increase in sustenance (takes about a 3 minutes to do, and there is great blessing in this)




4: Every day read 4 rakat salate Chaasht




5: Every day after fajr Nammaz read Surah Yaseen




6: Every day after namaz-e-Maghrib read surah Waqia




7: After Namaz-e-Isha say 1414 * "Yaa Wahaabuu"(there is great blessing in this and many perple have beifited from this)




8: Every day after namaz-e-Isha read 11 * Surah Muzammil




9: Every day after the 5 prescribed prayers rwead the following dua 12 * "Allahummak finii' bihalalika an haraamika wa aghnini bifadlika amman siwak"




10- Read 1001 * "AllahusSamad"




11: Participate in Gyarhvien shareef:




12: Participate in Barhvien shareef:




13: after namaz-e-isha read 200 * ayah eh karimah "Laa'ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minazzalimiin"




14- Read 786* "bismilla hirrahmaaa nnirraneem


15: After every namaz read 10 * Surah qadr


16: Always be grateful and thankful no matter what you have




17: Wash you hand before you start eating your food abd recite "bismillahirrahmaaannirraneem" and be thankful after eating


18: Everyday recite 100 * "Laa'ilaha illallahul malikul haqqul mateen"


19- Read "Yaa Musabbibul Asbab"




20: When entering a house and nobody is at home say "Assalamo alaiqa Aiyuhannabiyuu warahmatullahi wabarkaatuhu" and the read surah iklas




21: Every day read 100 * Sura kosar




22: After Jumaa-tul-mubarak: do not talk to any one, face the qiblah and till sunrise read "Yaa Alahu Yaa Rahmaaanu Yaa Raheemu"




23-: Everyday read 100 * "bismillahirrahmaaannirraneeme Walahaula walaqouvata illabillahil aliyil azeem"




24: Everyday read 200 * surah ikhlas




25: The 2 sunnahs of Fajr read at home and the 2 farz at mosque




26- Surah Kahaf:




27- Read Surah Fatiha: 41 *












You have the correct Aqeedah




Have to be reading you're Namaz 5 times a day and have to be conscious of the rest of compulsory obligations




Have to read the wazif with correct pronunciation, (go to a qualified alim/ sheikh/pir/ teacher) read with conviction and make sure you hear what you are reading, don't read in you heart




Read durood shareef 11* before and after wazif

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