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remember Hazarat Mohammad Mustafa(Sallalahu Aalehe Wassalam).

Hanafi Muslima

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Qalat Helati Aanta (saw) Waseelate Adrikne Ya Rasool Allah (saw)


When becoming humiliated, remember Hazarat Mohammad Mustafa (saw) .


When being starved, remember the tying of two stones to His stomach in the battle of Khandaq by Hazrat Mohammad (saw) .


When becoming angry, remember the control of Hazrat Mohammad (saw) on Martyrdom of Hazrat Ameer Hamza.


When losing tooth,remember the Tooth of Hazrat Muhammad (saw) in the battle of Ohad.


When any part of body bleed, remember the Body of Hazrat Mohammad (saw) covered with Blood on His return from Ta'if.


When feeling lonely, remember the seclusion of Hazrat Mohammad (saw) in Mount Hira.


When feeling tired in Salaat, remember the blessed Feet of Hazrat Mohammad (saw) in Tahajjud.


When being prickled with thorns, remember the pain of Hazrat Mohammad (saw) from Abu Lahab's wife.


When being troubled by neighbours, remember the old woman who would empty rubbish on Hazarat Mohammad (saw) .


When beginning a long journey, remember the long journey of Hazrat Mohammad (saw) to Madina Shareef.


When going against the Sunnah, remember the intercession of Hazrat Mohammad (saw) :(Ummati, Ummati, Ummati).


Before shaving your beard, remember the face of our Beloved Hazrat Mohammad (saw) .


When sacrificing an animal, remember the sacrifice of 63 animals by Hazrat Mohammad (saw) for His Ummah.


When becoming an orphan, remember Hazrat Mohammad (saw) at the age at six.


When fearing enemy, remember the Sayings of Hazrat Mohammad (saw) to Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiqe (ra) on Mount Tur.


Qalat Helati Aanta (saw) Waseelate Adrikne Ya Rasool Allah (saw)


Fidaka Ya Rasool Allah (saw)


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