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Why is the use of the loudspeaker (microphone) prohibited in Salaah?


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The Query

Why is the use of the loudspeaker (microphone) prohibited in Salaah?


The Verdict

The use of loud speaker while performing Salaah is not allowed by Shariah because it is necessary that the followers (Muqtadis) hear the real voice of the Imam. The voice which comes by the means of loud speaker is not the original voice of Imam but it is converted into electromagnetic waves and again transformed into audible sound that reaches the audiences, the Muqtadis. This process involves the using of scientific instruments such as the microphone system. Therefore if one relies only on such a voice which comes from the loud speaker and not hearing the original voice of the Imam nor observing the action of Muqtadis in front of him, in this condition the Salaah of this person is considered in the view of Shariah to be invalid (Fasid). It is because of Talaqqun minal Kharij, which invalidates the Salaah. I want to briefly explain the above mentioned technical term, Talaqqun minal Kharij, it means to accept the outside command during performance of Salaah.


Knowledgeable theologians say it is not allowed during performance of the Salaah to accept command from outside. If one opens the Holy Quran while performing the Salaah and recites the verses from a certain page and not through his retentive memory, in this case his Salaah is also invalid.


Mufti Mohammed Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari

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