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The Wahhabies - Desert Bandits - الوهابية


تجویز کردہ جواب



As the Mufti of the Shafi^ies of the blessed Makkah ashaykh Ahmad bnu Zayni Dahlan said, al-Wahhabiyyah is a tribulation that occurred to the Muslims. They committed horrific crimes from which no one was safe neither an old person nor a new born.

They raided the two sacred sites (Makkah and al-Madinah) without any regard to their religious honored significance; they confiscated the money, captured the women, and killed the scholars as well as the regular people. They even stole the contents of al-Hujra ash-Sharifah in Makkah and Madina under the false claim of fighting innovations and Shirk, Inna Lillah wa inna ilayhi raji^oon.

Imam Ahmad Zayni Dahlan who died in 1304 Hijri- stopped at some of their violence in his book that he called Umara al-Balad al-Haram. So, on page 298 he said: they confiscated the money and captured the women; they robbed the houses and its furniture swarming it like insects. The acquisitions piled up like mountains at their camp; except books. They threw it all over towns, in the markets and in the allies exposed to winds. There were thousands and thousands of copies of Quran, religious doctrines among those books, also copies of Sahih al-Bukhariyy-wa-Muslim and many others about al-Hadith, Fiqh, language and a huge amount of other various types of Islamic sciences. All that stayed mistreated for days, as they stepped on it with their feet while no ne could pick even one piece of paper.

This is the dark history of al-Wahhabiyyah. They shall not escape the punishment of Allah. They step on the copies of Quran and the books of Hadith. (I seek refuge in Allah) A^oothu billah from blasphemy, A^oothu billah from deviance.

Dear beloved that was the end of Imam Zayni Dahlans quote which exposes the atrocities committed by the wahhabiyyah. May Allah rid us of them to relief the countries and the people from their harm.

All due praise is to Allah all along.


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