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Madina Madina

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About Madina Madina

  • Birthday 19/01/1977

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    Ameer e AhleSunnah

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کمیونٹی میں شہرت

  1. Salam My Father AlHaaj Khalil Ahmed passed away this Monday. 9th RabiulAwal (26th Nov 2020) Whilst I was reciting Surah Yaseen to them in Hospital he kept saying corona virus means he will have a Shaheed ka rutba.. so was happy with Raza ilahi. (He met in uk Haji imran Many times times too) Dua ki dharkhast ? Can you get Bapa jaan to do a Dua e Maghfiret for my Father and send me recording my WhatsApp is 00044xxxxxxxxxx mother is very upset & will be very very very happy to receive a Dua from my Rohani Father Bapa Jaan ❤ I have also met Bapa Jaan and Haji Imran , Abdul Habib , Hassan Raza and Haji Yafoor many times My fathers Sons names for taziyat are : Shabir Ahmed Attari Shakil Ahmed Attari and Munir Ahmed Qadri ?جزاك الله خيرا My Father also gave his house to Dawateislami and now its a Madrassah in Lalamusa الحمدللہ
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