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ALLAH may bless you all, Last month Syed Kamran Mirza, in response to my article, mailed me his clumsy essay"Qur
In the name of ALLAH Most Gracious Most Merciful. purpose of this message is to spread the Real teachings of Quran Dear brothers and sisters, ALLAH may bless you all, Today it is given an expression that one who commits suicide bombing, killing one enemy personnel (American or its ally) along with 10-30 innocent civilians including women and children , is martyr.This so-called martyrdom philosophy came from the opportunists( terrorists) who manage to brain wash the simpletons and mould them into a suicide bombers.It is noteworthy that these opportunists( terrorists) tempt these simpletons with paradise in after world but they themselves make their living higher and higher by receiving heavy funding from different countries. they don't care hell or paradise, they just want running their factory of producing suicide bombers which give them a huge income. The recent suicide bombings in Charsada and Peshawar which killed dozens of innocent people including children who were " Hafizul Quran" , clearly reveals that these opportunists ( terrorists) have nothing to do with Islam. Under the cloak of " Jihad" , they run their business of bloodshed.They kill people for money whether Muslim or non Muslim, guilty or innocent, elder or infant, American or Pakistani.They care the number of victims, more the dead ones, more the money. They achieve their evil goals by their enchanting brain washing,through which they tell simpleton that only such suicide mission can survive and strengthen the Islam and it can be the token of ALLAH' blessing for suicide bomber and his family. As far as Islam is concerned Islam never allow you to kill innocent people even for its cause.Islam only allow you to use your weapon as last resort. Islam does not pleads for barbarianism ,to make people submissive on the point of sword..Our Prophet whole life is full of kindness and love. Even in the battlefield it was instructed by Holy Prophet Muhammad( peace be upon him) that children and women must be spare from killings. Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith Hadith 4.258 Narrated by Ibn Umar During some of the ghazawat of Allah's Apostle a woman was found killed, so Allah's Apostle forbade the killing of women and children. Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith Hadith 4.257 Narrated by Abdullah During some of the ghazawat of the Prophet a woman was found killed. Allah's Apostle disapproved the killing of women and children. Those who find any room for suicide bombing in Islam should know that you can't erect Islamic pillars on evil foundation.. If I make sexual intercourse with a childless widow just for the sake of her help, to give her a child.Can any body will allow me to do so? The Quranic quotes given below clearly reveal the fact that ALLAH has postponed a certain battle for Mecca because there was a danger that some innocent Muslims would be hurt. Surah Al-Fat-h Ruku 3 Surah 48 , Ayah 24 / 25 And it is He who has restrained their hands from you and your hand from them in the midst of Mecca after that He gave you the victory over them And Allah sees well all that ye do. They are the ones who denied revelation and hindered you from the Sacred Mosque and the sacrificial animals detained from reaching their place of sacrifice .Had there not been believing men and believing women whom ye did not know that ye were trampling down and on whose account a crime would have accrued to you without (your) knowledge. (ALLAH would have allowed you to force your way but He held back your hands) that He may admit to His mercy whom He will. If they had been apart We should certainly have punished the Unbelievers among them with a grievous punishment. After these Quotations from Quran and Hadith how can one justify the incidents like Charsada bombing or the Afghanistan / Iraq bombings in which thousands of Muslim women, children and innocent citizen have been put to death for taking revenge from America and Western world. In the last I would like to quote some Hadiths which I am sure will rattle you or at least it will make you think deeply Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith Hadith 9.68 Narrated by Yusair bin Amr I asked Sahl bin Hunaif, "Did you hear the Prophet saying anything about Al-Khawarij?" He said, "I heard him saying while pointing his hand towards Iraq, 'There will appear in it (i.e, Iraq) some people who will recite the Quran but it will not go beyond their throats, and they will go out from (leave) Islam as an arrow darts through the game's bod Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith Hadith 9.65 Narrated by Abdullah bin Amr bin Yasar That they visited Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri and asked him about Al-Harauriyya, a special unorthodox religious sect, "Did you hear the Prophet saying anything about them?" Abu Sa'id said, "I do not know what Al-Harauriyya is, but I heard the Prophet saying, "There will appear in this nation--he did not say: From this nation-- a group of people so pious apparently that you will consider your prayers inferior to their prayers, but they will recite the Quran, the teachings of which will not go beyond their throats and will go out of their religion as an arrow darts through the game, whereupon the archer may look at his arrow, its Nasl at its Risaf and its Fuqa to see whether it is blood-stained or not (i.e. they will have not even a trace of Islam in them) with best regards Syed Abdur Rehman Please forward this message as much as you can to spread the real teachings of Islam
Dear brothers and sisters, ALLAH bless you all, We Muslims sometimes ignore very important things which we should not, due to our ignorance. If I list all these things, Prayer or Namaz will be on the top of the list .To 700 times ALLAH commands us about Prayer in Holy Quran, which reveals its importance. if you try to percieve the case of "Iblis" , you will come to know that he was a jinn and used to teach angels but when Allah ordered him to prostate to Adam, he refused to do so by saying he is superior to Adam. Surah Al-Kahf , Surah #18, Ayah # 50 Behold! We said to the angels "Bow down to Adam": they bowed down except Iblis. He was one of the Jinns and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrongdoers! Surah Al-A'raf , Surah 7, Ayah # 11 & 12 It is We who created you and gave you shape; then We bade the angels bow down to Adam and they bowed down; not so Iblis; he refused to be of those who bow down (Allah) said: "what prevented thee from bowing down when I commanded thee?" He said: "I am better than he: thou didst create me from fire and him from clay." The key point to be noted is that ALLAH commanded the Iblis to bow down to Adam ,not to Himself at that time which Iblis refused . He did not refuse to prostate to ALLAH. This very act of him (not bowing before Adam) make him damned. Now come to this , ALLAH order each muslim to prostate to Himself 40 times a day (,fajre 8, zuhar 8, Asre 8, maghrib 6 and Isha 10 times) but if he does not ,What you think? Can someone dare to justify that. If one refusal to prostrate to Adam can mould angel's teacher into devil then what product will come out of a man who refuses 40 times to prostate to ALLAH,daily Surah Al-Muddaththir Surah 74 , Ayah 41-47 41 And (ask) of the Sinners: 42 "What led you into Hell-Fire?" 43 They will say: "We were not of those who prayed;" 44 "Nor were we of those who fed the indigent;" 45 "But we used to talk vanities with vain talkers;" 46 "And we used to deny the Day of Judgment" 47 "Until there came to us (the Hour) that is certain." Regards please forward these kind of messages as much as you can to earn the blessings of ALLAH
Dear brothers and sisters, ALLAH may bless you. If you analyze your everyday experiences you will come to the conclusion that roughly only 15 - 25% of Pakistani Muslims offer their prayers regularly despite the fact that one refusal to prostrate to Adam has moulded the angel's teacher( Iblis) into a devil.Why should those Muslims ,who don't offer their prayer regularly , don't think what product will come out of a man who refuses 40 times to prostate to ALLAH,daily.? Unfortunately those who are regular in their prayers usually unaware of one hadith which teaches us the real manners of prayer. I would quote this very hadith so that you find your shortcomings Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith Hadith 1.724 Narrated by Abu Huraira Allah's Apostle entered the mosque and a person followed him. The man prayed and went to the Prophet and greeted him. The Prophet returned the greeting and said to him, "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed." The man went back prayed in the same way as before, returned and greeted the Prophet who said, "Go back and pray, for you have not prayed." This happened thrice. The man said, "By Him Who sent you with the Truth, I cannot offer the prayer in a better way than this. Please, teach me how to pray." The Prophet said, "When you stand for Prayer say Takbir and then recite from the Holy Qur'an (of what you know by heart) and then bow till you feel at ease. Then raise your head and stand up straight, then prostrate till you feel at ease during your prostration, then sit with calmness till you feel at ease (do not hurry) and do the same in all your prayers." with best regards, Syed Abdur Rehman Please forward these kind of messages as much as you can to earn blessings of ALLAH
Dear friends, ALLAH bless you all, The other day I was surfing the net and found an article by Samuel Green ( more enthusiastic version at} . In this article Samuel claims that( Naoozobillah) Quran has different versions of its Arabic text, therefore one cannot asserts that Quran has been remained unchanged after 1500 years .He has shown some examples to the readers to give more weight to his claim.( you must read the reply made by M S M Saifullah at and ) When I finished reading that specious article, I felt pity for Mr. Samuel Green. who seems to be gone insane in his grudge against Islam.What did I gather from the particular Samuel's article is that he is also among those Christian activists those want to get grandeur out of nothing but word-coining .To the Muslims of the world Samuel , through this article , want to present a heart breaking fact about Quran but in reality he testify the following Hadith. The matter is that ALLAH' planning is unprecedented, sometime a non-believer preaches Islam unwillingly. Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith Hadith 6.514 Narrated by Umar bin Al Khattab I heard Hisham bin Hakim reciting Surat Al-Furqan during the lifetime of Allah's Apostle and I listened to his recitation and noticed that he recited in several different ways which Allah's Apostle had not taught me. I was about to jump over him during his prayer, but I controlled my temper, and when he had completed his prayer, I put his upper garment around his neck and seized him by it and said, "Who taught you this Sura which I heard you reciting?" He replied, "Allah's Apostle taught it to me." I said, "You have told a lie, for Allah's Apostle has taught it to me in a different way from yours." So I dragged him to Allah's Apostle and said (to Allah's Apostle),"I heard this person reciting Surat Al-Furqan in a way which you haven't taught me!" On that Allah's Apostle said, "Release him, (O 'Umar!) Recite, O Hisham!" Then he recited in the same way as I heard him reciting. Then Allah's Apostle said, "It was revealed in this way," and added, "Recite, O 'Umar!" I recited it as he had taught me. Allah's Apostle then said, "It was revealed in this way. This Qur'an has been revealed to be recited in seven different ways, so recite of it whichever (way) is easier for you (or read as much of it as may be easy for you)." Samuel Green's frustration which is revealed by his outright deception can be perceived if you gather the statistics of Non-Muslims converting to Islam, rapidly recognizing the truthfulness of Islam and they now becoming aware of the fact that Quran is indeed the "word of ALLAH " and has been remained unchanged after fifteen centuries because ALLAH has taken up the duty to guard it. Surah Al-Hijr Ruku 1 Surah 15 Ayah# 9 We have without doubt sent down the Message( Quran); and We will assuredlyguard it (from corruption). As far as the growth of Islam is concerned, see below some links (out of thousands ) and try to understand what trauma Christian missionaries are suffering after facing this reality about Islam's growth. for Growth of Islam in USA for Europe for France With best regards Syed Abdur Rehman Forward this message as much as you can to show your love for your Holy Quran
my sweet brothers and sisters ALLAH bless you all. in fact when I got married, my wife soon began to worry about first child as here in Pakistan everybody pinch married girl by silly questions when she will get pregnant. these kind of interrogation some time make the newly couple under great stress and they resort to clinics at earliest, whether willingly or un-willingly. we also suffered the same trauma for five years . During these years we tried every doctor ,conducted every test and tried every possible method to get our first baby but all went in vain. But one night during our walk my wife met a woman who revealed her personal story about her first child ( who was born after a long period of her marriage , in miraculous way as she was discouraged by doctors) . She told my wife to do a particular daily devotion for pregnancy which has 100% success record (with grace of ALLAH). My wife began doing that and with in a month our life was changed as my wife got pregnant by grace of ALLAH. what you have to do is to ta read the Surah Maryam( surah#19) daily, in sequence ( the whole surah or 1 ruku daily or less than a ruku ) with translation ( to understand it).then recite the surah Fatiha ,take some quantity of water or sugar or bread or any eatable thing you like and puff over it what you have recited from the Quran( suran Maryam) and then both partners husband and wife eat/drink the (Dum wala) water/sugar/eatable thing it is must for both partners to offer 5 times daily prayers and to read the Quran with translation as to understand the powers of ALLAH who has bestowed Hazrat Maryam( may ALLAH pleased with her) with a beautiful Baby, despite the fact that no man even touched Maryam( may ALLAH pleased with her). it should be understood that no reason, no bad semen test, no affected womb can stop pregnancy if ALLAH want to give you the baby.I swear in the name of ALLAH that women without womb ( as womb was surgically removed from their body) have also been pregnant and they gave birth to healthy child which show that all happen if ALLAH want to. Surah Ya-Sin ( Surah 36 ) Ayah # 82 Verily when He intends a thing His command is "Be" and it is Continue this routine until baby is born important note ; those couples who cannot read Quran due to illereracy or blindness can listen to audio of surah Maryam with translation and after listening they should recite surah Fatiha and then puff over water or sugar or any eatable thing and then they should eat/drink it. for deaf and dumb , someone can recite( on their behalf) the surah Muryam and Surah Fatiha and puff over the eatable thing which will be then the said persons eat/drink Please forward this message as much as you can to get someone prayers for yourself Syed Abdur Rehman
my sweet brothers and sisters ALLAH bless you all. in fact when I got married, my wife soon began to worry about first child as here in Pakistan everybody pinch married girl by silly questions when she will get pregnant. these kind of interrogation some time make the newly couple under great stress and they resort to clinics at earliest, whether willingly or un-willingly. we also suffered the same trauma for five years . During these years we tried every doctor ,conducted every test and tried every possible method to get our first baby but all went in vain. But one night during our walk my wife met a woman who revealed her personal story about her first child ( who was born after a long period of her marriage , in miraculous way as she was discouraged by doctors) . She told my wife to do a particular daily devotion for pregnancy which has 100% success record (with grace of ALLAH). My wife began doing that and with in a month our life was changed as my wife got pregnant by grace of ALLAH. what you have to do is to ta read the Surah Maryam( surah#19) daily, in sequence ( the whole surah or 1 ruku daily or less than a ruku ) with translation ( to understand it).then recite the surah Fatiha ,take some quantity of water or sugar or bread or any eatable thing you like and puff over it what you have recited from the Quran( suran Maryam) and then both partners husband and wife eat/drink the (Dum wala) water/sugar/eatable thing it is must for both partners to offer 5 times daily prayers and to read the Quran with translation as to understand the powers of ALLAH who has bestowed Hazrat Maryam( may ALLAH pleased with her) with a beautiful Baby, despite the fact that no man even touched Maryam( may ALLAH pleased with her). it should be understood that no reason, no bad semen test, no affected womb can stop pregnancy if ALLAH want to give you the baby.I swear in the name of ALLAH that women without womb ( as womb was surgically removed from their body) have also been pregnant and they gave birth to healthy child which show that all happen if ALLAH want to. Surah Ya-Sin ( Surah 36 ) Ayah # 82 Verily when He intends a thing His command is "Be" and it is Continue this routine until baby is born important note ; those couples who cannot read Quran due to illereracy or blindness can listen to audio of surah Maryam with translation and after listening they should recite surah Fatiha and then puff over water or sugar or any eatable thing and then they should eat/drink it. for deaf and dumb , someone can recite( on their behalf) the surah Muryam and Surah Fatiha and puff over the eatable thing which will be then the said persons eat/drink Please forward this message as much as you can to get someone prayers for yourself Syed Abdur Rehman
Dear brothers, ALLAH bless you, I am enjoying the life in the fullest happiness because I know that my ALLAH loves me more than my mother.what I do is to try to obey his commands in my life and ALLAH ( in return) bestows me everything which i need or long for. you are requested to read thefollowing Hadith and perceive its message. Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith Hadith 8.28 Narrated by Umar bin Al Khattab Some Sabi (i.e. war prisoners, children and woman only) were brought before the Prophet and behold, a woman amongst them was milking her breasts to feed and whenever she found a child amongst the captives, she took it over her chest and nursed it as she had lost her child. But later she found her lost child, she embraced her child again and again and began kissing her child in her utmost love.The Prophet said to us, "Do you think that this lady can throw her son in the fire?" We replied, "No, if she has the power not to throw it (in the fire)." The Prophet then said, "Allah is more merciful to His slaves than this lady to her son." Be sure your ALLAH is with you to care about you. your brother, Syed Abdur Rehman forward this message to your freinds as you can to confirm your love for ALLAH