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Are These Quotes True


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Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.


Is it true that Maulana Ahmad Riza Khan said the following things:





"When A`laa Hadhrat was only 5 years old, his mother used to dress him in a long Kurta and so he did not need a trouser. One day some women were passsing by and their faces were open so the young A`laa Hadhrat raised the front fold of his Kurta above his head. The women laughed and said "wah mia". The young A`laa Hadhrat promptly replied, "When the eye is deceived the heart naturally follows but when the heart is deceived disposition of ones genitals is seriously affected." [sawaanih A`laa Hadhrat, p.11]


"I have myself seen in the village a girl who was 18 or 20 years old and whose mother was weak and infirm but had not stopped breast-feeding her daughter of 18 or 20 years old. The mother would do her best to stop her but she would force her mother down, climb onto her bosom and ###### milk from her breast." [Malfoozaat, vol.3, p.58]


"The wives of the Ambiyaa (`Alayhimus Salaam) are presented to them in the Quboor, and they enjoy their wives therein." [Malfoozaat, vol.3, p.28]




Did he really write/say the above mentioned things?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bhai, I have gone through it but it has not cleared up the confusion.


Why would A`laa Hadhrat perform such an act (exposing the Satr) when this is absolutely Haraam?


Is this story authentic? If it is, why would he do this, when there is no permissibility for such an act in the Sharee`ah?


I hope you understand my question. The act is against Sharee`ah, that's why I doubt whether Maulana Ahmad Riza Khan actually did it.


Perhaps this story and others like it were invented?

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Bhai, I have gone through it but it has not cleared up the confusion.


Why would A`laa Hadhrat perform such an act (exposing the Satr) when this is absolutely Haraam?


Is this story authentic? If it is, why would he do this, when there is no permissibility for such an act in the Sharee`ah?


I hope you understand my question. The act is against Sharee`ah, that's why I doubt whether Maulana Ahmad Riza Khan actually did it.


Perhaps this story and others like it were invented?


I don't think that the story is authentic. As Ala hazrat did not wrote his malfoozar himself.

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Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuh.


Is it true that Maulana Ahmad Riza Khan said the following things:


"When A`laa Hadhrat was only 5 years old, his mother used to dress him in a long Kurta and so he did not need a trouser. One day some women were passsing by and their faces were open so the young A`laa Hadhrat raised the front fold of his Kurta above his head. The women laughed and said "wah mia". The young A`laa Hadhrat promptly replied, "When the eye is deceived the heart naturally follows but when the heart is deceived disposition of ones genitals is seriously affected." [sawaanih A`laa Hadhrat, p.11]


Let me quote the report exactly first;


Saiyad Aiyoob Ali Razawi said that the age of Huzoor Ala Hazrat (Allah’s mercy be upon him) might be 5 to 6 years, at that time he used to come out wearing a long shirt only (kurta), (once) some prostitutes passed, he immediately pulled up the lower-front part of the shirt to cover his holy face. By seeing this, one prostitute said “Wow Sahib! You covered the face and revealed the groin” then he replied “when the vision is depraved, the heart gets depraved; and when the heart is depraved, the groin gets depraved.” She began feeling faintness after hearing this answer.


I'd say all those who object Imam Ahmed Raza Khan's act are actually following those prostitutes as they objected on the same and those who favors the answer of Imam is representing Imam Ahmad Raza. This is a matter of each one’s fate.


This answer of Imam Ahmad Raza (Radi Allahu Anhu) explains his God-gifted knowledge and piety, otherwise it is impossible to give such an academic answer at such a young age. The prostitutes were the first to put this allegation on Imam Ahmad Raza, and Imam Ahmad Raza gave them an academic answer as per the knowledge bestowed upon him by Allah (azw).


About the query regarding Shariah ruling to apply on Ahmad Raza Khan's act (showing the Satr) is plainly absurd. Do you even know when does a person becomes Baaligh? Or at what age following the Shariah ruling becomes obligatory on a person? I'd love to see a fatwa on minor for showing the satr. So there goes the reply regarding the Shariah ruling on this matter.


I have myself seen in the village a girl who was 18 or 20 years old and whose mother was weak and infirm but had not stopped breast-feeding her daughter of 18 or 20 years old. The mother would do her best to stop her but she would force her mother down, climb onto her bosom and ###### milk from her breast." [Malfoozaat, vol.3, p.58]


First of all Ala'Hazrat reported this event from Imam Buseri (Rehmatullahe Ta'ala Allaihe). Lets say Ala'Hazrat mentioned about his own experience. Did your father never seen your mother when she was feeding you? Didn't you ever seen a lady feeding her baby? The report is about seeing a grown up girl forcefully feeding from his mother and NOT about Ala'Hazrat seeing the breasts.


Let me put a few examples to help you understand it a bit more.


You're sitting with your mom and she goes to the washroom to take a bath. A few moments later your father asks you "beta have you seen your mother"? A common reply would be; "Yes she is taking a bath". Now should we consider that you have literally seen your mother having bath? I think now you can understand how lame this objection is.

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