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muslim brother look at yourself


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muslim brother you''re not a gangster

you're just an incredibly big prankster


just take a look at yourself

you really do need help!


with that glorious walk

others don't have room to talk


with them big fancy dollar chains

you're just inflicting pain

on the brothers and sisters who really care about you

but to you their love isn't true


flashing about that cash, that you made on drugs last night

but you won't give it to charity, no your too tight


you stick out your chest

like you own all the rest


your'e always lying

no thought about dying


"no! i'm muslim i can't go to hell" you say

don't worry allah will make you and your gangter brothers pay


brothers you are such fools

why don't you abide by allah's rules?


please brothers repent!

for the time you have spent

oh brother stay true

allah will come through for you

if you repent oh brother repent


obey allah any your parents too


heaven is at your mothers feet

so don't retreat


don't flirt

with that last bit of skirt


save your respect

and try to be perfect


try to pray

5 times a day


don't use bad words to others

and be respectful to your mothers


and then inshallah allah will be happy with you.


By me!!

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